DK Fame on Wheels

2015 Brown AQHA Gelding

View Pedigree

SIRE: Famous Playboy
SIRE: Miller Creek Doc


Wheels is an all around, super kind and athletic gelding. Standing 16.3 hands tall, don't let his height scare you, he is one of the kindest/calmest geldings you will meet. He is versatile one day he can be in the barrel pen and the next day on the Cowboy Dressage Court. Truly an all around versatile gelding. Serious inquiries invited.

Cowboy Dressage World Finals & Gathering 2023
-1st Cowboy dressage w/j/l Test 3-open-72.17% score
- Riding for brand competitor
Cowboy dressage June virtual show 2023
1st w/j test 1-open-70.883%
3rd w/j test 2-open-70.556%